Here’s A Quick Way To Curb A Panic Before You Lose Your Phone

Habits and Our Smart Phones    A crisis event  will happen to you or someone you know when the smart phone gets lost.  Before it happens, that is an opportunity to raise your awareness and start something new.  You want to enjoy the benefits of having a cell phone, but it carries some responsibility that most people don’t want to accept.  Yesterday, I was reminded of these little short-cut habits when my brother asked me to help him get acquainted with his new smart phone.   

reminder of song titled going mobile
Goin’ Mobile

Time Travel and Your Cell

Most of us consider having our phone vital to our livelihood, because it extends our ability to live our purpose.  We’ve all been cut off from using our mobile phone. Note the feelings you have when that idea takes root.   That’s a fertile subject for some people, addressed in an article by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.  You don’t need to dump your phone to go into the present, but it allows you to traverse the past and the future to be better in the present.

3 Solutions

The anxious feelings you have when your gadget gets lost is the perfect signal that you need to take precautionary steps in case it happens in the future.  You wouldn’t leave your home or office without charging it first, right? Oh, are you one of the few of us who forgets to charge it sometimes? Let’s save that topic for another post.  Most of us charge it before going mobile.  Now, it’s time for us to extend that action step further with some protection recommendations to use.

  1. Password to log into the device
  2. Mobile security software to protect your data
  3. Lost and found item recovery service to return your device

So, you’re a bit anxious about a lost cell phone or smart phone?  Take some of the stress out, and enjoy your mobile device. Be sure to take these three steps, today.  And please, feel free to share a personal mobile phone crisis.

More about Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D.

Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. authored Neuro Web Design, which you can buy on Amazon.

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Cell Phone, Doug Skinner, emotional reassurance, protect, Psychology, return, road warrior, Smart Phone, tech dependent, tech savvy
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