What Kind Of Team Collaborator Are You?

Are you curious about your collaboration style? There are three stages everyone faces during their projects and collaborations. You’re looking to get into a project, you’re in a project; and, you’re finishing a project. Yes there are other sub-type project stages, like you can’t stand one and want out. Or, you’re trying to tactfully sidestep getting into one. No matter which stage primarily describes your current situation, you may have noticed some patterns. You’ll want to address the question ‘What is the best way for me to handle the collaborative opportunity?

What insights can you glean from the short quiz will give you a head start on your direction and approach in the next collaboration project. Smarter Collaboration ideas come courtesy of Central Desktop.

For a complete infographic that can lead you to smarter collaboration approaches, I guarantee you will find some insights.

My test results pretty much confirmed what I knew from my past work roles. I’m a ringleader, sometimes a rabblerouser, but mostly empowering others on my team, getting and keeping them involved. And I appreciate the suggestions from the folks at Central Desktop for the fun way to expose actionable tactics.

The test took a few minutes. Central Desktop posted an on-demand webcast, in case you want a deeper dive. Why don’t you give it a ride and let me know what type you are?

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1 Comment.

  • Doug, thanks so much for posting about our quiz. We found it interesting internally to see how results panned out for some team members. Turns out we have a few more Stealth Ninjas than we thought! As a Ringleader, you’re a rare, but important player in the collaboration ecosystem. Only 5.94% of all respondents so far fit that profile. As for me, I’m the Executive.

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