Break Through From Cell Phone To Smart Phone



My brother proudly showed me his new Droid smart phone. I got weak in the knees. He’s never used a Smart Phone or computer before and out of the blue he asked me how he could improve his life using this new device and its capabilities. That was a really big question. He really meant, ‘what kind of entertainment features can I load to have fun?’

I hadn’t quite figured out what he was asking right away, but I was thinking he wanted the same things I want: productivity, and greater efficiency by connecting to his community of family, friends and customers. Clearly, he’s part of a growing consumer group, discontent with the sluggish support efforts from old-line cell phone operating systems, and he is surfing on the surge in demand for Smart Phones.

I took a deep breath because I was thinking “Do either of us know what he wants? He thinks this droid thingy will change his life, and I’m thinking it would be a frozen place in hell if this device would work for him the way mine works for me.”

As I showed him some of the things I do with mine, I could see him becoming frustrated. I noticed his attitude shifted to anger because he didn’t know what to ask, and how to implement things like setting up a password account, going to the app store, searching for apps, and installing them.

Adapting To New Technology

It was too much to absorb. The shrimp kabobs on the grill were getting done fast. The family was totally ready to have dinner. We were running out of time, and neither of us could figure out what would make our short conversation a win-win. We dropped our pursuit. Had we been grilling steaks, here’s three entertainment ideas that I would’ve set up for him.

NFL Application

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Multimedia and Entertainment

I invite you to tell us about your stories of victory or trepidation about using your new smart phone, your successes and accomplishments of getting it done, a time where you had so much fun you drained the battery, you mastered a new application, you started a new process to be more productive, you found deeper meaning, you inflamed your passion, or the way you integrated the technology into your regular habits and routines.

Please Tell People About Honest Intentions

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Android, Brother, Casino, Cell Phone, Doug Skinner, Entertainment, Fun, Hell, NFL, Smart Phone, Symbian
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