Android Apps I Like

The International CES show this week in Las Vegas will attract over a hundred thousand people and the 3000 or so exhibitors will launch countless new products for their customers.

One product that many customers will be affixing their identification labels to is the Android. For me, along with millions of others, the Android is the ultimate handheld device. There are other models like Eris, Hero, Nexus One, Cosmos, and Devour, but the one I’m referring to is the Motorola A855 unit with a giant touch screen, keyboard and Google Operating System, currently available on the Verizon Wireless network.

After several years, I retired my Windows Mobile device. For some time, I’ve been jealous of iPhone customers, mainly because of the software from the app store. However, the Droid has extinguished my iPhone envy, for many reasons. The device and OS have many salient features which you can learn about elsewhere. Here, I’ll touch on a few applications available to Droid customers.

You increase the functionality of your device by adding applications from the Droid Market, which is similar to Apple’s app store. You’ll find almost every conceivable application you might need. Here are my current top ten quality of life improvement apps that I’ve been using since I acquired my Droid a week or so ago. This info will probably change by the time you read it. I recommend Android road warriors check these out, and I invite you to leave a comment here and share the golden nugget applications that bring you joy.

Application What it does Type Cost
1. Twidroid Twitter platform Productivity Free
2. CompanionLink Synchronizes calendar, tasks and contacts with many other PC platforms, like Outlook; can be done with or without loading all your personal data into Cloud or Google. Productivity $39.95
3. Facebook Mobile reader, editor functions. Comes with unit. Social, Productivity Free
4. Foursquare Connect with your friends. Transmit your location in real time or historically, discover new places, share yelp like comments about places you’ve been or want to go. Social Free
5. Pandora Programmable music, as simple to use as radio, but you chose the artists. Entertainment Free
6. PdaNet Makes your Droid into a data transport modem for cutting hotel bills and enables your laptop to be on the web anywhere, free from congestion or fickle links of a shared Wi-Fi segment. Productivity $29.00
7. PhoneMyPC Gives you remote access to operate your desktop PC from Droid. Productivity Limited Beta Program $5 or $10
8. Qik Publish videos and receive real time feedback while filming and file sharing in the cloud. Social Free
9. WaveSecure In case its lost, gives you locking, tracking SIM, location, wipeout, restore backup for SMS, contacts, call logs. Works in background automatically. Productivity Free
10. Trapster Lets you identify police speed traps, red light cameras, speed cameras, and other roadway wallet hazards. Social Free
Android, Doug Skinner, Droid, Droid Market, ImHONEST, International CES, linkedin, Motorola, Verizon Wireless
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1 Comment.

  • Great post! I’m glad you’re over your iEnvy! And while I use an iPhone rather than a Droid, I still found your post helpful. Pandora is available on iPhones, too and I love it! You also make me want to find a similar app to WaveSecure for my phone.
    And finally, what does Trapster say about your driving, hmmmm?

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