Practical Lighting
After installing under cabinet back lighting – Web Meetings with Practical Lighting

Working from home has become the new norm for many of us, and that’s why I decided to remodel my den into a home office. I wanted to add some style and character to the background, to use lighting to transform my home office space. I am experimenting with different types of lighting, making use of what was already in the room. I made one little tweak, adding the backlight to this scene.

Optimizing Light

Natural light pours into the space through the window behind my computer display screens, providing a great source of illumination. To create a more professional look, I added two floor lights on either side of my desk, which could be considered my ‘Key light’ and ‘Fill light’. While I don’t have a ‘Rim light’ overhead, I found that mounting a practical light under my bookshelf cabinets overhead and behind provided the perfect amount of light for the background.

I’m still experimenting and may add a ‘Z strip’ light to the background that can be colorized and attached to my desk. With these simple additions and thoughtful placement, I now am approaching a more perfect work from home lighting situation that makes working from a home office a more productive and welcoming space.

The impact of the lighting in my redesigned home office has been transformative, both aesthetically and functionally.

WoW Factor

The abundant natural light flooding in from the window creates an inviting atmosphere, greatly enhancing my mood and boosting productivity throughout the day. It is similar to creating a feeling of WoW factors that I wrote about from Nido Qubein.

The blinds let me block direct sun coming in from the west in the afternoons.

The strategically placed floor lights complement the natural light, ensuring that during the evenings or cloudy days, the space remains bright and energizing. This mix of light sources—natural and artificial—not only adds depth and dimension to the room but also highlights my design choices, making the space feel more cohesive and well-planned. Even with these lighting elements at work, the before picture of the space without backlighting shows a drab corner, before adding the new light fixture.

unlit dark corner

The practical light mounted under the overhead bookshelf cabinets has further contributed to this effect, providing focused illumination that emphasizes the details and texture of my decor. The particular item featured here is called the ‘GM Under Cabinet Lighting Slim Edge Light Strip’ that I purchased at LampsPlus which came delivered as promised.

It did not have the conduit that I used to cover unsightly lose wires dangling. For the wire skirt, I used the brand LaGrand from Ace Hardware. It would be better if the glue strip on the guidewire track had a longer life. Overall, the thoughtful integration of lighting has elevated my home office experience, promoting both creativity and focus in my work.

LeGrand Wire conduit


Here were some of the questions I had for my lighting specialist out of Pleasant Hill LampsPlus.
How Easy is the Slim Edge Under Cabinet Light Strip to Install?
The installation process was straightforward and quick, making it an easy addition to my setup.
Is the Slim Edge Light Strip Good for Under Cabinet Lighting and Zoom or Teams meetings?
Yes, it provides excellent brightness and focus for under cabinet areas, enhancing visibility and ambiance.
Is the Slim Edge Light Strip Worth the Money?
Absolutely, considering the quality of light and ease of installation, the impact lighting up a dark corner, it offers great value.
Should You Buy the Slim Edge Under Cabinet Light Strip?
I highly recommend it for anyone looking to improve their lighting setup, especially for under cabinets.
Where to Buy the Slim Edge Under Cabinet Light Strip?
It is available at major home improvement retailers and online marketplaces, making it easy to purchase.


Looking ahead, I’m considering adding a Z strip light or programmable LED Neon Rope Light that can be colorized, controlled with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or major electronics vendors that adopt Matter’s smart home standards protocols, linked to my compute devices via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and physically attached to my desk or credenza in the background. This level of enthusiasm may be for the YouTuber with a fame quest.

Guidance using Light in home office for Web Meetings

Of course, there are some gotchas to know about when setting up your lighting for optimal results. It’s crucial to ensure that both the subject and the scene are well-lit; otherwise, you might end up with unflattering shadows or uneven lighting. Strong overhead lighting, for example, can create harsh shadows, giving subjects a “Frankenstein” appearance, generally undesirable. Additionally, the positioning of the light and camera is vital; improper angles can flatten the scene, reducing depth and dimension. Another aspect to consider is the mixing of color temperatures. When using key, fill, and back lights, it’s essential to match their color temperatures to maintain a cohesive look; mixing warm and cool lights can lead to an unappealing color cast. Moreover, hard lighting without diffusion can create sharp shadows and unflattering highlights, so employing diffusers can greatly enhance the overall quality of light. Lastly, pay attention to catch lights—the reflections of your light source in subjects’ eyes or glasses—too much or too little can significantly impact the visual appeal of your shots. Being aware of these potential pitfalls will help you create a well-balanced and professional lighting setup.

With the right work from home lighting and under cabinet lighting for my home office, I am now able to work productively in a space that comes closer to my model home office studio representation.