Just a few days ago a news story became known that a Russian gang of hackers, calling themselves CyberVor have amassed 1.2 billion email account credentials from over 420,000 websites.  This raises questions for us: Why would they want this info? What websites are the login credentials for? What are they going to do with online account info? Was I impacted?  Are passwords enough for my online security?

A hijacked email account happens for a number of reasons, not all because of the individual. Sometimes the site administrator for the webpage you visited is doing the wrong thing.  Knowing how and why cyber thieves and spammers get your password can help you understand steps you can take to protect your online reputation.

This video explains Hijacked Email, and what you can do about it.  It’s part of my series which includes How to tell If Hackers Go Into Your Account, and How to Prevent the Problem of Having Your Account Compromised, changing your email password video.  Last year, I wrote a blog Business Executive Guide to Password Management that offers key advice for what steps to take immediately.


Definition of Hijacked Email
The Pain of a compromised account
How Spammers get your Password
What you can do:
-Complex Passwords
-Unique Passwords for different sites
-Watching Your Browsing Habits
-Using Antivirus software
-Using spam filters
-Education and Caution on the web

malware, ransomware, password