It is essential for you to focus on people to derive value from technology. The technology in this case is SharePoint. We went on a SharePoint field trip today. It’s springtime. Springtime for me is the most optimistic season. It passes quickly, so you have got to plant the seeds before time fleets away. I’m talking about making your business contacts count. SharePoint is a great platform for springtime.

As we drove from San Francisco to Sacramento to be with partners and customers today, I viewed expansive green hillsides, happy waterfowl in the bay and delta waters, trees with tight green buds everywhere, getting ready to burst. American River surging at full capacity. Anticipation. Our business development efforts to support Microsoft customers using our Brava and Redact-It technology within the SharePoint platform in many ways reflects our optimism of springtime.


Sharing Is For Winners
SharePoint Community Development remains a key marketing and sales strategy for my firm, Informative Graphics. Our sponsorship of events like SharePoint Fest, partner road shows, SharePoint Solution Expos, and SharePoint Saturdays bring us face to face with serious personal and business challenges and glorious opportunities to improve the lives of many people.

Here are three engagement examples that spur me on a quest to deliver our SharePoint solutions.

1. Child abuse or neglect, however you define it, has devastating impacts on vulnerable persons. When we received an invitation to curb the threat of child abuse by helping a social services staff with a SharePoint design and deployment and our Brava viewer and Redact-IT technologies, we jumped at the chance to give aid to the IT administrators responsible to support the case workers for the children. A chance to let the green buds meet the sunshine.

2. Engineers brought us in to help them build a gas pipeline that links remote production fields to energy customers like hospitals and home owners. These engineers need to view and collaborate on a software system that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Our Brava viewer in SharePoint is the answer. We offered them a way to view and collaborate with non-Microsoft CAD DWG file types inside a Microsoft platform, SharePoint. How cool is that? That is springtime.

3. We supply financial services advisors who assist as many upside down homeowners as possible to renegotiate payment terms of their mortgage loans and credit card debt. We provide them a tool for masking sensitive private information as they view, collaborate, and make notes in mountains of digital and paper documents. We enable them to efficiently process these documents in a secure environment, and to manage sensitive private information effectively through redaction services.

SharePoint Saturday Events Like the one in Santa Monica Are Vital Growth Opportunities

Reasons For You To Go

  • Enjoy the value of peer to peer interactions
  • Make contacts you can call on the phone or meet afterwords
  • Find others going through the same challenges as you at the same time
  • Explore common issues
  • Get into interactive opportunities in round table and small group discussions
  • Continue conversations with peers
  • Meet people who you wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to meet
  • Learn more about SharePoint

In the great tradition that is SharePoint Saturday, we’ll be sponsoring and attending the Los Angeles event on April 2nd. Come join us to experience the impact of springtime.