I’m intrigued with the notion of a ‘mobile first’ strategy to support enterprise applications, specifically SharePoint. One that I found is SharePlus, which brings the Microsoft SharePoint Mobile Office Client into the handheld device. These include iPads, iPhones, Androids, Playbook and Windows Phone. Demand for this solution has increased with the skyrocketing adoption of iPads in enterprise businesses. SharePlus is a local device client coupled with SharePoint 2007 or 2010 to deliver rich functions.

After hearing many prospective customers ask, “What is the difference between SharePlus Pro and the Enterprise versions?” I’m spotlighting a few major items here. Check the slides for a quick overview. (Incidentally, if all you see below is a square white space, that means you should view this post on my slideshare channel)

[slideshare id=9964263&doc=southlabspresentation2011-10-24-111031132705-phpapp01]

1 Comment.

  • I appreciate the the mobile information you have provided. I’ll be testing this soon to see how well it works in our environment. As our site is a secured site using Active Directory, I’m curious how well this will work.