Four circles: Products / Services that I offer
1. Build a Website and Be Found
2. Engage Smartphone Superpowers
3. Consult on CRM or Campaigns
4. Coaching on Sales and Business
Subtitle for showing my Solutions Pages, five images, five hover-over text boxes
single Solution, single Solution full slider, single Solution 2/3 slider, single Solution full video, single Solution 2/3 image
1. Attorneys
2. Healthcare Services
3. Real Estate Prop Mgrs
4. Contractors Builders
5. Professional Services
subtitle banner image
horizontal parallax ~300x1200pxl background image, foreground image, text box
Meet Doug Skinner Youtube Video link
9 small icons with text boxes adjoining
I’ll feature here posts, successors to my slider w/9 post links:
Remains Connected and Mobile / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Saves you from security cracks / Tips to Remain Connected and Mobile
Balances Work and Life / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Manages Technology / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Works Smarter / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Stays in Control / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Collaborates Masterfully / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Propels Competitive Advantage / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Stores Data Intelligently / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile
Covers Your Vulnerabilities / Tips to Remain Connected while Mobile

invitation button “Go to Blogs”
Four stats/ numbers that ‘pop up’ and ‘spin’ like a slot machine
YouTube: Views / Subs / Videos
Twitter: Tweets / Followers
Blogs: Number / Since Date
Clients: Number / Revenue
vertical parallax ~300x1200pxl background image, foreground image, text box
Use Rave Reviews Page w/ quotes
Testimonial boxes, two or three
Use Insalaco, Gerber, Peterson
Call to action bar: Download my Productivity eBook
OR ‘Contact Us’ with two columns of address and webform
Templetera Use Gravity Webform on an Image, w/ a modal box and bridge it to Zoho CRM