Having the right reading, at the right time is something to celebrate. Realizing it’s summer time, and we want to stretch out, and expose ourselves to new material, I found six blogs this week that illuminate the subjects of productivity, marketing, awakening, and self-management. They are well written and researched; they educate because the authors go deep on their subjects, and engage for their in-depth coverage on their topics.

at the BeachLJ Earnest writes SimpleProductivityBlog. It’s great reading for those seeking their own personal best productivity. She has a get started article and divides her site up by the Basics, Productivity, Simplification, Lifehacks, Organization, and Life Design.

Leo Babauta’s Zenhabits is a long lost friend blog that I found again, after some years. I’m very pleased to be reading his very consumable ‘be like water’ blogs about the simple, sublime, and heartening aspects of experiential awareness and personal awakening.

David Frey in his Marketingblogger offers very sticky posts with titles like “How to get high-paying consulting and coaching clients”, “What makes a webinar convert like crazy?”, “My 3 top subject lines”, “How to network with gurus!”

Marty Nemko has an eponymous site, He also writes for Psychology Today, has a recent book titled “How to do life: what they didn’t teach you in school”. It’s about lifetime bits of wisdom, pragmatic suggestions, presented simply and are actionable.

Craig Jarrow authors TimeManagementNinja. His writings help companies and individuals reclaim their time. For those who consider themselves a warrior, these posts are designed to help you win the battle against wasted time, disorganization and more.

Brett and Kate McKay, the main content creators deal with reviving the lost art of manliness, money and career, health and sports, manly skills, relationships and family, dress and grooming. I like their perspective and shared insights on a range of interesting manly topics.

So there you have a half dozen gems. I found them glittering with useful advice and am a repeat visitor because of their great content. I’m sure you’ve found some precious sites. Please feel free to share your favorite blog or two with us in the comment section.