OneDrive for Business188x188Using Microsoft’s OneDrive for Business for Exploring New Ways to Work Together, I’m presenting a high level introduction to some business scenarios. Purpose is so you can see different potential applications to your particular question or need, and begin to match the capability of this tool to your business challenge.

The overview comes from this website:

OneDrive for Business Discovery

Using Microsoft’s OneDrive for Business for Exploring New Ways to Work Together, I’m presenting a high level introduction to some business scenarios. Purpose…

Across Functions, Departments, Roles

-Store, sync, and share
-Everyone on the same page
-Staying on track
-Delivering on time
-Finding the right people
-Finding what you need
-Making informed decisions

Human Resources and Internal Communications

-Keeping everyone informed
-Onboarding new employees

Research and Development, Production, and Operations

-Sharing your knowledge
-Boosting Business Processes

Sales and Marketing

-Making your customers and partners delighted
-Engaging your audience
-Aligning your teams


-Crunching the numbers together


-Helping meet compliance needs
-Self service eDiscovery


-Providing the right support
-Empowering people and staying in control